Monthly Report of Apache SeaTunnel Community in May
Hello SeaTunnel enthusiasts, the community’s May monthly report is here!
SeaTunnel is rapidly evolving, and the active participation of community members in project development is driving SeaTunnel to continually enhance its scalability, performance, and reliability in data synchronization. Stay tuned for monthly report updates, and we look forward to seeing your name on the Merge Star leaderboard next month!
SeaTunnel Monthly Merge Stars
We would like to extend our gratitude to the following contributors for their outstanding contributions to Apache SeaTunnel last month (in no particular order):
- [Bug] [Connector-kudu]correct the typo of kudu kerberos config @JackeyLee007
- [Hotfix][Connector-V2]Close the tableWrite when task is closed @dailai
- [Bug][Connector-Iceberg]fix create iceberg v2 table with pks @litiliu
- [Bug] [connector-hive]Eanble login with kerberos for hive @JackeyLee007
- [Hotfix][Docs]Fix dead links @dailai
- [Hotfix][Zeta]Fix job will never cancel success when JobMaster init not complete @EricJoy2048
- [Hotfix][Connector-V2]Fix the batch write with paimon @dailai
- [Fix][Transform]Fix sql transform lose source type and options @Hisoka-X
- [Hotfix][Zeta]Fix savepoint result when job failed @hailin0
- [Fix][DOC]Fix doc tip and caution @bwcxyk
- [Fix]Fix ConnectorSpecificationCheckTest failed @Hisoka-X
- [Fix][Zeta]Increase the log level when waitForJobComplete fails @xiaochen-zhou
- [Hotfix][HttpSource]Fix HttpSource Response Status Bug @EricJoy2048
- [Hotfix][Dist]Add oracle cdc @dailai
- [Hotfix][Core]Fix the NullPointException for the json config of the job without pluginname @dailai
- [Fix]fix compatible debezium json format npe issue @fcb-xiaobo
- [HotFix][zeta]: Fix loss job (#6759) @drgonroot
- [Fix][Connector-V2]Remove Some Incorrect Comments and Properties in ElasticsearchCommitInfo @xiaochen-zhou
- [Fix][KuduCatalogFactory]: Fix KuduCatalogFactory.optionRule() will throw an Exception @Jetiaime
- [Hotfix][Postgres-CDC]Fix read data missing when restore @hailin0
- [Fix][MySQL]: Fix MySqlTypeConverter could not be instantiated @Jetiaime
- [Hotfix][Jdbc]Fix table/query columns order merge for jdbc catalog @hailin0
- [Fix][Connector-V2]Field information lost during Paimon DataType and SeaTunnel Column conversion @xiaochen-zhou
- [Fix]Fix MultiTableWriterRunnable can not catch Throwable error @Hisoka-X
- [Hotfix][Jdbc/CDC]Fix postgresql uuid type in jdbc read @hailin0
- [Hotfix][Jdbc]Fix oracle savemode create table @hailin0
- [bugFix][Connector-V2][Doris]The multi-FE configuration is supported @Carl-Zhou-CN
- [Improve] [shell]Set the env SEATUNNEL_HOME automatically @JackeyLee007
- [Improve][Log]Auto refresh log configuration @hailin0
- [Improve][Doc]Add sql-config doc into sidebars.js @Hisoka-X
- [Improve][Connector-V2]Support hive catalog for paimon sink @dailai
- [Improve][JDBC Source]Fix Split can not be cancel @EricJoy2048
- [Improve][Connector]Add some sqlserver IDENTITY type for catalog @chl-wxp
- [Improve]Optimize log display during startup command @JohnZp
- [Feature][Engine]Change the name of the rest-api interface for returning job info @hawk9821
- [Doc][Improve]connector-v2 clickhouse/hbase/pulsar sink support chinese @fcb-xiaobo
- [Improve]Update doris sink template default value in doc @Hisoka-X
- [Doc][Improve]doris sink support chinese @CosmosNi
- [Doc][improve]update Connector-v2-release-state @baicie
- [Feature][Jdbc]Support the jdbc connector for InterSystems IRIS @dailai
- [Feature][Connector-V2]Support StarRocks Fe Node HA @xiaochen-zhou
- [Doc][Improve]Remove unnecessary commas to make sentences smoother @ponxu
- [Improve]Add conditional of start.mode with timestamp in mongo cdc option rule @Hisoka-X
- [Feature][SQL Config]Add SQL config adapter @rewerma
- [Improve][CDC]Bump the version of debezium to 1.9.8.Final @dailai
- [Improve]Improve doris create table template default value @Hisoka-X
- [Feature][S3 File]Make S3 File Connector support multiple table write @EricJoy2048
- [Feature][Connector-V2]Add web3j source connector @ic4y
- [Improve][CDC]Close idle subtasks gorup(reader/writer) in increment phase @hailin0
- [Feature][Doris]Add Doris type converter @EricJoy2048
- [Feature][Kafka]Support multi-table source read @zhilinli123
- [Doc]fix HdfsFile demo config @liunaijie
- [Document]fix starrocks doc demo config @liunaijie
- [CI]Fix FixSlotResourceTest testNotEnoughResource test error @EricJoy2048
- [ci][doc]Update node version @baicie
- [Build]Update snapshot version to 2.3.6 @liugddx
- [Connector]Add hbase source connector @TaoZex
- [Fix]Fix build failed @baicie
- [Fix]version docs images @baicie
- fix tsx with node16 @baicie
- release docs 2.3.5 & add script version @baicie
About Apache SeaTunnel
Apache SeaTunnel is an easy-to-use, ultra-high-performance distributed data integration platform that supports real-time synchronization of massive amounts of data and can synchronize hundreds of billions of data per day stably and efficiently.
Why do we need Apache SeaTunnel?
Apache SeaTunnel does everything possible to solve the problems you may encounter by synchronizing massive amounts of data.
- Data loss and duplication
- Task buildup and latency
- Low throughput
- Long application-to-production cycle time
- Lack of application status monitoring
Apache SeaTunnel Usage Scenarios
- Massive data synchronization
- Massive data integration
- ETL of large volumes of data
- Massive data aggregation
- Multi-source data processing
Features of Apache SeaTunnel
- Rich components
- High scalability
- Easy to use
- Mature and stable
How to get started with Apache SeaTunnel quickly?
Want to experience Apache SeaTunnel quickly? SeaTunnel 2.1.0 takes 10 seconds to get you up and running.
How can I contribute?
Anyone interested in making local open-source global is welcome to join the Apache SeaTunnel contributors family and foster open-source together!
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